Monday 21 October 2013

A Boy and His Dog

There really is just nothing quite like the bond between the little fella and Dibley Dog.

Zig came out to the pound with us more than 4 years ago and he picked out Dibley. The people there let us ‘test drive’ the dog and after a few minutes we were gone. We were parents to this lovely girl. Or so we thought. We had to go through a rigorous adoption interview and then had to be approved after an investigation into whether or not our place was suitable for a dog.

The next day after getting our confirmation phone call we went out to collect her and she has been Zig’s dog ever since.

She runs herself and him ragged whenever Zig visits. They are great chums and one is never far from the other.

Yesterday Belly dropped Zig down for a sleep over because of a ‘pupil free’ day at school. How lucky I thought that we got to play. And play we or really I should say THEY did. In an out of the pool running like maniacs the pair of them. Drying off then a shared roast dinner courtesy of PA and then to bed, both of ‘em completely pooped. Dibley kept on going AWOL. She wasn’t to be found asleep on my feet on the couch, or sleeping on the cool floor or chasing away burglars in the park. She came when she was called, but then she silently mooched off again into Zig’s room where she ended up sleeping the night, on his bed.

5.30 am was a bit of a rude awakening but dog was up, boy was up so MA was up too.

We 3 have been in the pool and romping all day. I am pleasantly sunburned and ready for a sleep. When I dropped Zig off he was dead on his feet and the dog has been asleep all afternoon.

What a lovely visit we have all had.


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